Your stories and poems – where exactly are you hiding them?

Hi –

Recently I mentioned having written poems in the past. I’ve also started posting the odd bit of flash fiction – more to follow – and have had several requests to read one of my poems, or for more short stories.

There are quite a few of these on the site – in fact an embarrassing amount, since when I started the blog I spent the first few months doing nothing much more than uploading all my past short stories and poems; many, many years worth. I thought it was slightly better than leaving them to moulder in damp cardboard boxes in the garage.

Nowadays I’m concentrating on flash, because that seems to be what I do best. Most of the ‘historical’ stuff will be a bit longer since at that time I was trying to produce the wordage required to get published in magazines. The past was another country. Thank goodness.

I can see why people mostly haven’t found these. Indeed it took me several months after I got my Kindle Fire and a mobile phone, to work out where they had disappeared to. So here are some Handy Hints:

If you are using one of those big ole’ DESKTOPS (which is what I still use to write and publish on) it’s fairly easy.

On the right-hand side of the screen there is a side-bar containing quite a few extra bits and pieces (‘widgets’) including one that enables you to Select – Category. If you ‘drop down’ that menu you’ll see the Categories I’ve saved stuff under. The ones you might want are as follow:

For POEMS: see OwnPoems, and/or NaPoWriMo April ’16

For miscellaneous short FICTION: see Own Fiction

For short story SEQUENCES or RELATED short stories try Angels and Other Occurrences, The Obedience of Brother Odhran or The Second Mrs Sanchez. Feel free to give up on these if you find them hard going. I’ve changed, and my way of writing’s changed since then.

If you are using something smaller like a TABLET or a MOBILE/CELL PHONE the sidebar is well and truly – and annoyingly – concealed.

At the top of the most recent post (or any post, I think) you should find a click-on thing called Comments. Click on Comments. You then have to do some tedious scrolling till you get to the end of any comments there might happen to be.

Beneath those comments you will find the contents of the Side-bar – which should now really be called a Bottom-bar – and at the top of this, once again, you will find Category.

Hope this helps.